Bold Business for Artists: The Video & PDF Guide to a Modern-Day Art Career

Ah, Confusion. There’s so many metaphors for it. It’s like that giant mass of colorful wires behind your TV. It’s like trying to figure out a subway system in a foreign country. It’s like explaining a David Lynch film to your grandparents.

And most unnerving of all, Confusion is trying to figure out how to navigate the jungle that is the online business world.


But trying to find your way through the online business world is only a jungle at first. 

Once I figured this out, I knew that I had to make a roadmap someday so that others wouldn’t have to suffer unnecessarily. And better yet - figuring this system out made it so that artists could spend less time on marketing art and more time on making art. 

So how exactly do you spend less time on marketing art so that you can spend more time on making art? 

By having a solid digital strategy.

The present and the future of marketing is largely digital, so I created a training out of the lack of instruction that's currently out there helping artists with digital marketing and business development.

Sure, there's training out there for online marketing, but a lot of it feels very 'bro marketing'. (I actually made a lively video about bro marketing right here.) You've seen 'bro marketing' before - it's mostly dudes just touting their wealthy lifestyle, proclaiming that they've unlocked a 5 step secret to success, all the while not bringing any true value to the marketplace. But many of us don't resonate with that, and value-centered training developed specifically with artists in mind - in a way that's fun to follow along - just didn't exist.

Until now:

Grab the guide here!


I started noticing that the hardest part about online business - by FAR - is avoiding all of the 'shiny objects' AKA more projects that could derail your progress. Not to say that there’s only one track to success - there’s plenty of ways. But hopping from track to track will definitely not get you anywhere fast. 

The method that I’ve found works best for me and many, many others is picking ONE main goal/project at a time, and then committing to ONE path to get to that goal. (It sounds simple enough, but it's really quite difficult for some of us squirrels.)

Over the years, I talked about this way of tackling projects so much that I made this graph to explain it:

There is the same amount of time & energy being spent in Way 1 & Way 2. But notice how the only project that hit 3 important milestones is Project 1 in the Way 2 section.

Assuming that you're a human, you only have a finite amount of time and energy. Therefore, putting it all behind one project to hit major business milestones makes more sense than spreading all of that energy out across 5 different projects.

If you follow Way 2, (the yellow part of the graph above), and go all in behind one project, it doesn't mean that you won't be able to do Projects 2 - 5. It just means that you'll have already hit major milestones (whether they're financial, social media goals, etc.) so that you'll be in a better position to tackle Project 2 once Project 1 has been completed/automated/etc.

Not sure which projects are the most important? Consider taking the 7 Day Online Artist Plan, which was made exactly for this situation. Spend 7 days covering the most important pieces laid out by an expert & fellow artist, and then turn your attention to your bigger projects. 

Learn More About The 7 Day Online Artist Plan Here


So despite knowing that it's better to focus on one project at a time, thanks to the infinitely vast array of opportunities & options that the internet provides us, how do you even figure out which project/goal is the most important?

Should you have a podcast and interview inspirational artists on it? Should you try to grow your email list? Your Instagram? Should you redesign your website? Write more blog posts? Submit more of your art to artist opportunities?

I get how confusing all of this is. Technically, none of those things are just meaningless shiny objects that don’t deserve your attention. 

ALL of those things listed above would be great for expanding your online business. The tough part is choosing which ONE to focus on at a time, since chances are - you’re a one-person show with minimal time & funding, and plus - you still have to sleep occasionally. 


This leaves you with a small amount of precious time and resources that you have to allocate very carefully. 

And this is really the main pain point that I wanted The Video & PDF Guide to a Modern-Day Art Career to help with. 

Since you probably want to spend most of your time MAKING art, and not MARKETING art, it's important that you don't waste your time and energy trying out a bunch of different growth strategies that may or may not work for you. 

The Guide to a Modern-Day Art Career is a simple, free, and powerfully potent way to zero in on your business & marketing goals. Best of all - IT SAVES YOU TIME. Get it right here:

How it works:

1. Once you've entered your email above, you'll be immediately redirected to the host page where all 3 of the videos are located

2. Open up your email to get the interactive PDF download so that you can fill it out while watching the videos

3. Watch all 3 videos - each one is between 3 and 9 minutes long

4. Integrate & apply these principles to your art career strategy, and you'll be more prepared than ever to tackle the wonderful world of online business!

So there’s three parts to the whole guide and there’s one video for each: Super Clarity, Brainy Business, and Marketing: Our Digital Destiny. (I love alliteration.) 

All three of these parts assist you in your leap from artist to creative entrepreneur that does consistent business online. This is how:

Super Clarity:

How to avoid the many shiny objects in BusinessLand and stay focused on your mission

Brainy Business:

Get your business ducks in a row with a heavy focus on good ol' business models

Marketing: Our Digital Destiny:

Some solid strategy on the ultimate way to grow for both the present and the future

So after we do the mindset work of avoiding 'shiny objects' AKA too many projects, there’s some business that needs to be addressed; namely, laying out the foundation so that you know which tasks & projects to focus on next. 

This can be done by defining your business model. (More on that inside of The Guide to a Modern Day Art Career, naturally.)

And once your mindset is clear and your online brand foundation is laid, it’s time to dive deep into marketing! 

Marketing can happen in lots of different ways, and it’s absolutely necessary to grow your business. And the world of business is incredibly digital now, so the third part of this guide goes over marketing concepts and strategies with all of that in mind. 

So there we have it - free, powerful training for artists like you who want to assimilate into the digital world. :)


Get immediate access here: 


P.S. - If you’re ready for more than the Guide, a step further past this free training is the Artists Going Digital course, which helps artists Save 1-2 YEAR’S worth of time experimenting with online growth strategies for their art business. Modules included: High-Quality Graphics, Web Development, Online Business Strategy, Non-Scary Video Production, & Systems: Major Time-Leveraging.

1 comment

  • Liz

    Thank you! Great tips and guidance!

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